StrongWe Group Company Limited
獨木舟體驗 (包教練, 相片,運動禮品及電子證書)
日期: 8月20日 (星期日)
時間: 1300 - 1700 (全日)
地點: 西貢- 沙下海灘
費用: $480 (一位)
報名: WhatsApp 63037338
Sports, Environment
Enjoy sports and love our natural environment !
20 AUG (Sun) 1300 -1700 - KAYAK Fun - SAI KUNG Sha Ha beach - $480 per person - Certified Instructor, Photos, Sports Souvenir, E-Cert and Healthy Enjoyment of Sports & Nature !
Whatsapp 63037338
(Can choose single or double kayak)
#strongwe #strongwegroup #kayakhk #hkkayak #saikung #hkwatersports #sportsandenvironment #hkfitness #fitnessgirl #watersportshk #hksports #hknature #saikungkayak #watersports #kayak #seakayak #hk #hkadventures #seakayakadventures #seakayaking #sports #獨木舟旅程 #獨木舟 #獨木舟體驗班 #興趣 #水上活動 #香港水上活動 #西貢 #西貢景點 #水上活動訓練
報名 Sign up: WhatsApp 63037338
Age 18 or above, with good swimming skills
^subject to beach use conditions
The APPROACH BEACH in TING KAU is famous for offering amazing views of the beautiful, large and awesome Ting Kau Bridge and Tsing Yi Bridge in the scenic setting of the ocean coast line. Many people visit the beach just to take photos of sunset, sunrise and the waters with the two impressive bridges posing as wonderful inspiring backdrop.
STRONGWE is launching an SUP ocean clean up event on the 22nd May (Saturday). Apart from having professional SUP lesson and instruction, you will get to enjoy a great water sports experience, take scenic sports photos or videos, help clean our coastal waters and have a chance to win great ECO gifts and awards for posing or taking great photos! All the necessary SUP gear will be ready for you. So please hurry up and sign up now as space is limited.
WHATSAPP 63037338 to SIGN UP now! A wonderful Sports, Environment event will be yours to experience !
Check out the video below to see what great fun we had in our Ocean Clean Up event last time!
Video on our pastSouth Bay Beach Standup Paddleboarding (SUP) full day sports and environment event to enjoy the beautiful South Bay Beach by learning how to do standup paddleboarding and also seeking to clean our ocean coastal waters. Certified professor Instructor, SUP gear, personal flotation device, cleaning tools, sports photos and videos, ECO sports gifts, E-certificates and on the water SUP learning and practice, friendly experience sharing are all part of the great fun for the day.
西貢萬宜水庫東壩 ,屬於香港聯合國世界地質公園的重要景點之一!環境優美,當中有不少極具特色及歷史的景點,大家可以近距離觀賞世界級六 形岩柱的絕佳地點。
香港的六角形石柱是在一億四千萬年前猛烈的火山噴發過程中,由大量炙熱的熔融火山物質在特殊的環境條件下冷凝收縮而形成。由於岩石結構和化學成分有別於世界其他地區的六角形岩柱,加上分布面積廣、直徑大,堪稱世界級的地質奇觀, 令人不禁驚歎大自然的鬼斧神工。
至於交通方便東壩位置偏遠而且駕駛人士進入要事先申請,從北潭涌步行最少要 2.5 小時;當日我從西貢市中心乘的士前往東壩時間要20多分鐘大約$120,回程大約下午三時,有好多的士在等客。但司機提及假日因為人多的士也較難上車,所以乘客多數電召。如果駕車人士,可以駛到北潭涌禁區閘口,旁邊有個免費停車場,再轉的士前往。
如果乘搭巴士可以坐94號或只限假日開出的96R, 途經北潭涌後下車, 沿着西貢萬宜路繼續步行9公里便可到達,另外可以乘坐9A專線小巴前往北潭涌,服務時間為逢星期日或公眾假期1500-1900,每20-25分鐘一班 (小巴公司會因為人數而加開班次)。
#strongwegroup #StrongWe #hkhiking #hiking #hikingadventures #香港行山 #行山 #西貢東壩 #世界地質公園 #hkgeopark #eastdam #highislandgeopark #seacave #dolossewall #saikungview
Learn stand up paddling (SUP) for a full day of sports fun at the very scenic South Bay Beach as well as ocean cleaning activities - with everything prepared for you: instructor, gear, safety personal floating device, photos, tools and completion e-certificate. As long as you are over 18 with good swimming skills, you can join to learn how to have fun with stand up paddle - SUP ! Certified instructor from service provider Enigma Association will teach you how to use SUP and also guide you to different shoreline areas to help clean our ocean waters - to make our nature & environment even more beautiful ! Sports and Environment - both together !
Support a good cause for our Nature and Environment in Hong Kong:
Part of the event proceeds of the Ocean Cleaning Event will be given to our beneficiary organisation, Greeners Action which has been helping to promote and support environmental and green projects in Hong Kong since early 1990s.
Joining is easy. Simply send a Whatsapp message to 63037338 and we will help to register you and assist you with your booking & payment.
While many people know doing sports and exercising regularly can improve their fitness, health and well being, we would like to take a step further and seek to enhance the sporting experience. More convenience, encouragement, fun and like-minded companions - while also helping to enjoy nature and keep our environment clean.
We try to help and connect you with the right companions, coaches or teams and useful tech equipment or applications for your sporting activities based on your location, your skill level, your availability and your personal preference. We understand that it is more fun and productive to play at the right level with the right sports mates.
We try to introduce you to fun sporting activities and events at scenic and interesting locations so that you can enjoy the fun, the exercise, the scenery and the excitement. Our gear marketplace (to be launched) also seeks to bring you convenient and value adding sporting gear and technologies to support your sports.
SUP Fun and Ocean Clean Up
Full day SUP stand up paddling with instructor-trainer together for exercise and ocean cleaning activities ( sports & environment ) plus Sp...
SUP Fun and Ocean Clean Up
Kayak Fun with Photos, E-Cert and Gifts
Full day open top KAYAK with instructor-trainer together for exercise, photos, e-Cert and gifts ( sports & environment ) !
Kayak Fun with Photos, E-Cert and Gifts
Kayak Fun Ocean Clean UP
Full day open top KAYAK with instructor-trainer together for exercise and ocean cleaning activities ( sports & environment ) plus Sports Ph...
Kayak Fun Ocean Clean UP
香港人非常喜歡食三文魚, 皆因好吃之餘, 營養價值又十分高。今次同大家分享食三文魚嘅好處:
Omega-3嘅不飽和脂肪酸, 有助預防慢性炎症, 此外,三文魚中超高的維生素D和硒也起着重要的抗炎作用。
Omega-3 可以促進皮膚生成膠原蛋白及彈性蛋白纖維,而蛋白質能為毛髮根部嘅毛囊提供營養,有助防止斷毛甩毛及促進毛髮再生。
SUP is a fun sport. Watch a short youtube video to get a quick taste of how to stand up paddle comfortably (Source: video from Blue Planet). You must have tied the leash on your ankle and have worn a life jacket before you go out to the waters.
Out in the waters, there are big waves and small waves coming from nature's wind, the tides or boats passing by. You may fall into the water and need to get back onto your kayak. Check out this video!
Stop using plastics especially single use plastics - our world is choking under the increasing volume of plastics being dumped, thrown or blown into the ocean waters. Let's start by changing our own habit - stop using single use plastics. Protect our ocean, our life, our future !
A group of active and nature loving enthusiasts "Coastal Angels" carried out coast line cleaning with their kayaks - doing sports and cleaning coastline at the same time. Let's protect and care for our nature, our life, our future together ! Sports, Environment - Enjoy sports, care for environment !
Join us for a fun day of learning SUP in scenic Approach Beach (Ting Kau) and also help to clean our beautiful ocean on the south side of Hong Kong Island. Sports and Environment - both !
Sports can help our body and our mind to become strong while bringing health, happiness and harmony for our well being.
We need to care and act together to help our natural environment so that we can all learn to respect, appreciate and preserve nature.
Join our nature brisk "walk and jog" with stretching while you enjoy beautiful scenary and fresh air
Exercise on SUP while cleaning the beautiful south side shoreline ocean waters of Hong Kong Island
Enjoy and benefit from our Sports Package with healthy exercises, team building activities and more
You can buy a STRONGWE benefits package program for your health and sports activities - SPORTS & ENVIRONMENT - Fun and Green ! To be launched soon !
You can use the STRONGWE benefits package to take part in ECO green sporting activities to enjoy scenic nature while doing exercises. To be launched soon !
Sports ECO coupons package will give you health, environmental benefits and fun !
Sign up to hear my latest news and about special sports and environment events!
My supporters mean the world to me. Do you have questions or comments about sports and our environment? Send a message, and we will get back to you soon.
StrongWe Group Company Limited
Mail: G.P.O. Box 5860, General Post Office, Central, Hong Kong. Office: 48/F, LANGHAM PLACE Office Tower. 8 Argyle Street, Kowloon, HK WhatsApp: 63037338 M: 97702773
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